Adoption Process Memory Cards
“They may not have my eyes, they may not have my smile, but they have all my heart.”
What better way to capture the most precious memories as you embark on your adoption journey? Our adoption extra milestone cards will add a special touch to photos that you capture along the way. From finding an adoption agency, registering your interest in adoption, adoption showers, family photos to the granting of the adoption order. You really will cherish every photo that includes one of our charming adoption milestone cards for years to come. They are also ideal for your adoption announcement!
These beautiful adoption milestone cards will be sent to you in a precious keepsake box; our beautifully illustrated milestone cards also make a wonderful gift for those about to embark on their own adoption journey.
Special Moments of Adoption
Our adoption special moment cards are great for all types of adoptive family – whether your family has two parents, two moms, two dads or if you are a single adopter. A precious gift whether you’re going through a new baby adoption, toddler adoption or adopting an older child.
If you are looking for the perfect gift for prospective adopters, this extra set of Adoption Milestone Cards can also come packaged inside one of our beautiful gift boxes, filled with shredded paper in a colour of your choice. Add sticker sheets and a taggy blanket to your order to make the gift extra special, guaranteed to bring a smile to the recipient.
Lovely. High quality. As described. Good communication.